Dec 262011

Sometimes I like to read old posts from the past to remind me where I was before and where I am now. It makes me very grateful, but also a bit wistful. I read this blog post and this one and wanted to answer that broken hearted ME on Christmas. I asked…

Will I ever feel joy again, will I ever put up lights again, go to church without screaming inside, listen to Christmas music?

Yes, yes Erica you will.

The healing will take a while. It will hurt. Excruciating. Aching. You will feel like it will never end. I cried when a friend told me

the best is yet to come”.

This was the 4th Christmas without HeeJun. He was thought of and remembered.

Honestly though, I remembered what hell I went through, and the hell I put my family and friends through those 1st few years without HeeJun. I was grateful and astonished by Christ’s amazing faithfulness and strength to bring me here. To this new, wonderful life. A new Normal. So different.



Darcie really wanted pancakes!




IMG_2138Cornhole boards!

IMG_2149 Surprise gift for my parents! A TV!!!



Janel MADE this picnic table for us! I was so surprised!




Apparently, we had a theme this year with presents. Kitchen supplies and books.




 Posted by at 2:39 pm

  One Response to “The 4th Christmas”

  1. Wait, does this mean you will be cooking with all the new kitchen gear?!

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