Jan 172010
I like sleeping on his side of the bed. It’s closer to the bathroom and farther from the door…

But I miss having him to cuddle with at night.

I like sitting on his side of the couch. It’s a better view of the t.v…

But I miss not having him next to me to watch the tv and laugh with.

I like being able to eat whatever I want to…

But I miss cooking for him and i hate all the weight I’ve gained.

I like getting my coffee every morning, whenever I want… I hate that I have to have a coffee every morning because I don’t sleep well without him.

I love having my dogs now…I hate that he never met them.

I love meeting with friends whenever I want.i love the profoundly deep friendships with kind, loving and FUN people I have gained through this. I love that I am closer to my sister now… I miss him having to share that with.

I love my pink, short hair… He would have hated it. I miss his face when he didn’t like something.

I like driving his Moreno…I miss riding shotgun while he drove it.

i like taking the dogs for walks at night… I miss walking with him.

i like being able to buy things whenever i want…i hate having to manage the bills. (and i hate not having a second income. worrying about money sucks.)

i love the church that i’m going to…I miss having him there to lead me.
I love the deeper relationship with Christ I have gained through this…. I miss having him with me.
 Posted by at 10:46 pm

  2 Responses to “Changes”

  1. I have done the same things (well, some of them) and had the exact same thoughts!!! I love so much about what I now have in life and am so grateful for it…. BUT, I miss so much too. And I'd rather have my husband than all these new things/changes that I've made. Sucks. But your entry made me feel less crazy because I'm doing the same! 🙂

  2. Erica,
    I feel the same….it hurts bad sometimes!!!
    Today I went for the Citizenship interview(the 1st one)and I was wondering what on earth I was doing there without him being with me. The whole thing was just strange.
    Thinking of you much!

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