Jan 202011

The rubber band gang and I kidnapped a dear friend the other day for a night out.

We call ourselves the rubber band gang because we have  all been stretched in so many different ways, but our friendship and bond never breaks. This is the group of girls that I have spoken of before that God knew what he was doing when he placed us together years ago.

Ones grieves a suicide in the family.

One raises the most awesome little guy who happened to have spina bifida. He had surgery right after being born.

One had cancer. HAD. She’s got some great new ta-ta’s if I do say so myself.

One’s family was affected by Katrina.

One is struggling right now as her husband who was in ICU for 52 days learns how to live newly blind and with short term memory loss.

So…we walked into the coffee shop and there was a couple sitting on the couches we wanted. As we started to head towards the table, I looked around and realized , “Hey! We could totally pull one of our cards here! Which one shall we choose? Widow, cancer, blindness?” Oh, the dark humor of those hurting…i love it!

 Posted by at 6:56 pm

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