Jan 112011

A snowy night finally pushed me to start organizing and placing HeeJun’s items in the memory chest.

It was an emotional experience.

The beginning

His gloves still shaped like his hand.Wu Tang and Randy Travis. What a nut!

The shirts I kept hanging in the closet and couldn’t take down until yesterday.

His Walmart shirt that he loved.

I found this letter I wrote HeeJun. Ouch, my heart. I don’t remember writing it. Did I steal it from a book? I don’t remember. I wish I had read it more when he was with me.

“To my prince,

I promise to love you with my whole heart; to give and to share with you all I have. I promise to be more ashamed by breaking your heart than breaking the rules of our relationship. I promise to strive to never do either. I promise to wake up every morning excited about another day I get to spend in love with you; to make you breakfast, to wash your socks, to hold you while you sleep. I promise to take care of you when you are sick and to play with you when you have energy. I promise to fully support you with all decisions in your life; to encourage you towards Christ-like decisions and to support them. I promise to respect your privacy and to understand how important it is for you to have your time to play games. But I promise to desire to know the details of your life. Most importantly, I promise to encourage you VASTLY towards Christ; to love seeing Jesus in you; to grow closer to you only through knowing Jesus, only through lavishing in His love and His grace in our love.  I promise to focus my eyes and my heart on Christ’s will and desires for me so I can be the incredible and amazing wife only you deserve.

With all my love,


 Posted by at 7:53 pm

  One Response to “Junk in the trunk”

  1. It’s so difficult to go through those things. I still have his suit hanging at my parents house from when we lived there. No clue what to do with it.

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