Apr 102009

HeeJun and I were baptized on Easter. Took the plunge.


Baptized together.
Both of our families were there. Some had no clue what was going on, but they were still there. sigh.

We had a big Easter supper after church that Sunday. I remember being so proud of HeeJun, and so grateful that we got to do this together. And so joyful, so loved by Christ. Ahhh, the good old days.
 Posted by at 8:25 pm

  4 Responses to “Easter in the good old days”

  1. Holidays are so difficult…

    I’m praying that you will feel overcome by the love of Christ, and that the mourning turns to sweet Easter blessings.


    P.S. I was baptized with my husband on Easter 2004. I am so grateful to have experienced that with him. He died less than 2 years later.

  2. I’m back….

    I am a fan of your site!

    I wanted to let you know that I am awarding you with the “I’m a Fan of Your Site” award!

    If you accept awards, please visit my blog to pick it up. 🙂

    I love visiting your blog and reading your tender thoughts. I pray for you often, and consider you a friend.

  3. Erica,

    LOVED seeing you today…just a thought…I noticed that our blog is not under your joy list. My feelings would be hurt but I’ll assume it an oversight. HA!! Love you bunches and praying for you often! I pray Easter is a time that Jesus will overflow you with a greater love than you have ever felt. You are a blessing to me!

  4. Oh Erica….old days….I was trying to find a picture of Jason from last Easter,but couldn;t find one.I am having such a hard night…I feel so overwhelmed,I miss him so much!I have to say,I will go to church for Isabel tomorrow….I hope I can make it through the service.I also pray the Lord will be with me and heal my crying heart.
    All my love and I am thinking of you!

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