Something has been weighing on my heart lately.
In college I was in a bubble. The Christian bubble. Even while married, HeeJ and I were in this bubble.
Now I’m outside that bubble a bit. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I love me some JESUS! What I mean is, I have been “adopted” by some awesome friends who aren’t in this bubble. What I find very sad and discouraging is that neither side really knows about the other side. They are shocked and appalled when they hear about things going on inside or outside the bubble. Get married at 23? Save yourself for marriage? Getting drunk? Living with a boyfriend? Gay? Hands in the air worshipping? Kids? beer pong? stay at home mom? Homeschool? Prayer? Single? Divorced? it freaks both sides out. Which one freaked you out?
I understand that Christians are not of the world. However, it saddens me and worries me that the divide between my friends is so great.