Jun 262011

But I need to write it. Maybe it will be helpful for other people going through the same thing. And writing things out helps me process the emotions. AND misery loves company…

It’s done.

What they asked for is in the mail. What they asked for only two months into grieving is in their hands. The PI can call off his dogs :). (kidding, kinda)

 The items they asked for are ready for them to pick up. The thing that put a wall up and probably ruined our relationship the most after only two months of grieving is done.

 I realized I was expecting an apology or for it to go back the way it was, but it never will. So, I sucked it up and tried to do what I think HeeJ would have wanted. Although I hope he would have been as furious as I was. I felt so hurt and abandoned.  Now I feel at peace. This has been the one thing holding me back. At church I am convicted every time. The anger and bitterness just sat on my chest. I had to let that go. So I did. Sigh, that feels much better.

Thank God that Chad is so supportive and understanding. His wife is a nut case sometimes!

 Posted by at 1:36 pm
Jun 252011

I found myself crying in the bathroom at work again yesterday. We have had this wonderful group of teenagers come lead a day camp with our kids. One of them was killed walking acorss the street at his church. I heard the news by text. I had to leave the room. It might not have helped that I was in CPR class that day. Gets me every time. I am so sad for this family and for the friends who witnessed the accident and have lost a friend. I was amazied that the group came back that week to continue the day camp. They were so inspiring.

I remember someone telling me that after experiencing tradegy one becomes more compassionate and will never hear another tragic story again without sobbing. You can’t just brush it off anymore.  So true. It is also true that after experiencing tradgey you rejoice much more when good things happen. People at work love telling me when they’re pregnant or when something good happens because I’m the one who goes nuts with them!

Pray for this family.


 Posted by at 4:26 pm