Aug 182009

I had an MRI this week for my stupid back. If only I could rewind time and not pick up that ridiculous yoga mat…well, if we are rewinding time here, I think I would go much farther back from that, but that’s another post, another thought, another dream.

This post is about medication. Man alive, why didn’t they prescibe me some of the stuff they gave me to calm me during the MRI before… when I was closing the casket on my husband’s beautiful face or walking into a church for my husband’s memorial, or picking out caskets and memorial stones?!! I mean, for real!! I was giggling and making jokes during the MRI (usually I faint). It was actually relaxing! Would have been nice, right?

 Posted by at 9:32 pm
Aug 182009

Apparently last year around this time, I stopped payment on a whole checkbook. So, now that I am using that checkbook all my checks are coming back. Lots of letters yelling at me and lots of calls to see what the heck is going on. Only after I was on the phone with the bank and credit card company for an hour, did we figure it out. Who knows what I was thinking. It just makes me so mad and sad and frustrated that I have to figure all this crap out now without him. I hate hate hate it.

Then I forgot two appointments at work. Two meetings.

Then a kid called me a bleepity-bleep heffer and refused to get out of the pool.

Then a kid tried to hit me. (key word; tried). I have some great teammates!

Then i cried and left.

ahhh, good times.

 Posted by at 8:46 pm