1. There is a mouse in my house. That is just how filthy and messy I have let things go. At least it’s better than a moose in my caboose or a rat in my hat, according to my dad. 

2. I went to the chiropractor for the first time for my back on Monday. Oh, man. I wish I had gone 6 months ago. It feels so much better.
3. My brain has officially stopped working. I used to be able to read books every night. After the accident, I could only read Gossip magazines. Now I can’t even read those. Just watch television all night.
4. Or work on the scrapbook, as I am watching television.
5. Juneau the dog came to me completely house trained and with excellent manners (other than his fear of kids and wheels and other dogs). Moorea, although sweet and adorable, keeps peeing when she is excited and she has no idea how to walk on a leash. Oh, but she is sooooo sweet. She is sitting in my lap right now, just cuddling.
6. I found a grief group called GriefShare that meets close to my house. I’m debating now, also joining that group, along with my young widows group. And going to a counselor. Maybe someone will have the answer, right?
7. The Fall Fest has taken over at work. My office is filled with costumes, pumpkins, and decorations! I used to love this time of year…
8. Now I hate it.
9. HeeJun proposed on Halloween.
10. It’s Tuesday, right?