Mar 052009

Oh, there goes my heart. This is Caedmon;Amanda and Matt’s son. Matt was HeeJ’s best friend since as long as I can remember. Matt and Pablo. Two friends HeeJun always knew would be his friends. Caedmon’s sister, Savannah is our God-daughter. Caed was the first baby HeeJun actually held. He always said he felt like holding someone else’s baby was like letting someone drive his corvette. and he would never let someone drive his corvette. he also always said that the first baby he wanted to hold would be his own. i remember laughing when matt tricked HeeJun and just plopped Caed on his lap while he was over at the house. Oh, I wish HeeJun had been able to hold a baby of his own. HeeJun really liked Caedmon, especially as he got older. HeeJun liked hearing him talk and walk.

So, in this picture Caedmon is holding a picture of his Daddy, Richard, and HeeJun in their SHS football uniform. He has no idea how sweet he is being!

 Posted by at 9:47 pm
Mar 022009

Two posts in an hour. I know. It can get a bit addicting blogging. A friend just sent me two blogs from the most amazing women, who happen to be young widows, too. Misery loves company and all. My heart breaks reading their posts. Some of the same words and prayers and cries to Jesus that I have felt. A slight bit of jealousy that they are both mothers, and expecting. What is wrong with me? How can I be jealous of another widow?!! C-razy.

 Posted by at 5:16 pm