Apr 082009
PS. oops. if i had read the rest of David Jeremiah’s chapter, i think my last post would not have been so…confused. But really what does hebrews 12: 5-11 mean?

today we did the bunny hop at work. you have to love a job where the most of your morning is spent racing the clock to fill eggs with candy and hide the eggs everywhere!

i keep dreaming that i am on roller skates all the time, everywhere i go. i am thinking of investing in the “Heelies” that all the kids wear. i think it’s because i have been crazy busy at work running back and forth. it would be much more fun rolling back and forth i think. but i am the staff who fell from the roof (still have a scar all the way down my back) and broke both wrists playing tag. I doubt human resources would let me wear them to work.

i realized yesterday while talking on the phone with friends ( i have the greatest) that i do not count my days as bad or good anymore. they are just days. not in a depressing way, but i am going minute by minute so i don’t really remember what happens during the day. i do remember walking today and just getting this overwhelming feeling of just missing HeeJun. that realization that the accident did happen, that he is not here, that this is for real. it hits like a ton of bricks for no reason. takes my breath away. even when i’m in the middle of the bunny hop.
 Posted by at 7:49 pm
Apr 072009

Do you ever think there will be a day that I wake up on time? I am thinking of investing in an automatic coffee maker so I can plug it up right by my bed and just chug it to drag myself out of bed. It doesn’t help that a) I stay up late reading and b) juneau moved the door last night and it creaked and scared the wits out of me. i jumped on the bed and yelled “i’ve got a gun!”

I started reading David Jeremiah’s book When Your World Falls Apart last night and honestly, i got pissed and confused. here goes my rant;

I loved these words,
God says to us (during our “disruptive moments”) Stay where you are. I’ll be there with you.”

In the midst of our tragic circumstances. we have the richest fellowship Christ afforded to us.

your weakness will serve to magnify the glory of My (Christ’s) Power in such a way that no one will ever again be able to explain your experince in human terms.
This is what I hope for in the future. That one day my Faith will be so strong because of all this. I just can’t imagine that right now.

I hated these words;
Our heavenly father disciplines us so that we will grow up to be partakers of his Holiness.
He is training us by our trials, God allowed this in your life to train you.

I hated those words because it made me think of my God sitting there saying “I gotta teach Erica a lesson here. Let’s kill her husband who she loves to teach her to love me”. or it made me think that He did this to discipline me. I can not believe that. In this book, the author’s trial was cancer and I can almost see that given a disease or loss of a job or something like that could be seen as a way that God is teaching. I kinda get that.

When I lost my first job, I was devastated, but now looking back, i see that God had something even better for me. I can not imagine saying that about HeeJun passing. That God had something better for me. geez.

I refuse to believe that the God that calls for me to love Him and glorify Him, would be a God who kills my husband to teach me a lesson or discipline me. yes, i do believe He can use this to teach me or grow me closer to Him. I can already see how He is using it to grow other family members and friend closer to Him. But I refuse to imagine My God tapping his fingers and writing a lesson plan to kill HeeJun. When i read those words, i envisioned this evil mastermind slowing tapping his fingers together with a menancing laugh, planning the destruction of life.

i know, it is way beyond anything i can understand. that is the Mystery of Christ, right? That everything is in His plans and He is in control. It’s a fight I am going to have to fight every moment, i think. to just remind myself that yes, I don’t understand why this happened, but God is here with me and loves me. He does. He does. He does.

Onto some funny stories;

Tomorrow at work we will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt. I usually plan a big Spring Fling, but just couldn’t muster the extra ommph this year, so we are only doing the hunt. The kids won’t even notice as long as they get their candy. So, tonight I was downloading Spring songs to play and I put what I thought was the bunny hop on the CD. Thank goodness I listened to the CD before burning it, because i heard “bleepety bleep bunny hop bleep bleeping bleep”. That would have been awesome to play over the loudspeaker! i could just imagine the looks on the staff’s faces. the kids wouldn’t have even noticed, sadly.

today a neighbor soliciting his experience mowing lawns and landscaping rang my doorbell. when he figured out through talking to me who i was (the widow-note to self; sew scarlett W on all shirts) he back tracked- and offered to landscape my yard for free. it’s kinda amazing, cause just about three minutes before he arrived I was taking Juneau for a walk and actually starting caring about how terrible my yard looks. i didn’t care before today, but suddenly I got the urge to make it look a little bit decent (so I don’t get written up again by the HOA).

Ah, reminds me of a funny story…We used to get written up all the time by the HOA- grass too high, trailer in the yard- Heejun blamed it on being Asian. I went to one of the meetings once and I think the last text i sent HeeJ was from that meeting saying that HOA’s were stupid. he hated our HOA. He raised a ruckus at one of the meetings.

Back to the original neighbor and my lawn story-as HeeJun said “there are no coincidences” isn’t it amazing that the day i start caring about my lawn and kinda getting stressed about it, a stranger shows up at my door to say “hey, i can help”

He does. He does. He does.

 Posted by at 8:18 pm