I gots me some awesome fwiends and family!
I knew this weekend I needed to be surrounded by people and prayers. You ask for it. You got it.
Is there any other job in the world, where my boss, supervisor, and co-workers would drive 40 minutes out of their way, feeling sick, and with no money, to spend a few hours with me? They are pretty incredible people.
My childhood friend Jax came in town for some retail therapy. We put together my new coffee table all by ourselves!
My R2C2 friend took me out for lunch and good fellowship time. So encouraging. We just met a few months ago. Pretty incredible friend.
My WCC friends took me for some yummy cheesecake and baby holding time. I sat back and watched my friends with their babies, and was amazed at how far we have come. All of us met maybe 5 years ago. We are all at different churches now, in different small groups.
For some reason (God), we have all stayed in touch. And they have been there for me. I am especially bonded to one of the babies, who was the baby who just laid on me on “that day” and helped calm me down. I have the best picture of me holding him and pretending to feed him imaginary food at the Cheesecake Factory. He was laughing so hard and it just melted my heart.
It’s comforting to know that no matter how long it has been since we have last spoken ( years, only known each other a few months, or just spoke at work) I have friends who are here for me.
All weekend long i received texts and emails from friends, family, and strangers saying they are praying for me. Incredibly comforting.
I think, I know, that these friendships and prayers are the reason I didn’t completely lose it this weekend. I was actually ok. I took the day off today to just compose myself and reflect, go though pictures, read old journals, pray. God knew what He was doing and He knew that these friends would be there for each other and for me one day.
My sister-in-love sent me this t-shirt. perfect.
ps. to add to the previous post 6 years ago today- I was blonde.