I remember craving the Lord. I remember listening to songs like “He kept me” by Kurt Carr or “Always” by Hillsong and just feeling YAHOO Yippee! I remember wanting to run to Him. Now I hear those songs and struggle. I listen to those songs and some Matt Wertz and some Daphne loves Derby every night before I go to sleep. I was walking Juneau today and “He Kept Me” was on my Ipod. I know I looked like a crazy person with my hands punching and dancing. haha!
Oh, there’s an example of my brain going a mile a minute. Off track. So, as I was saying. I remember feeling so joyful in the Lord, but that was before anything bad had ever happened. Even after the miscarriage, I trusted the Lord. I trusted that He would make MY plans happen one day. Key word; My plans. To quote Dumb and Dumber; “Samsonite. I was way off”!
I am so hesitant now to say I will trust Him or to praise Him or to say that He loves me. I know I’m wrong. I know HeeJun is with his Savior and that he is screaming and wanting to shake me with these thoughts I am having. But I wish I knew my Lord better. I wish I understood this love. I felt like I knew Him, but I didn’t even have a minuscule grasp on what it means to put your trust and faith in Jesus. Not until something shakes your whole universe, can you truly grasp what it means to trust Him. Not until i questioned if I was truly loved, if I was being punished, if I was being disobedient, not until my plans were destroyed by a tiny tree and a motorcycle, did I truly…oh I don’t know. I was going to write “truly begin to trust Christ” or “begin to crave this relationship” but none of that is true. It’s the struggle that will bring me closer to Him, though. I know this. Even though He seems so far away, I know it’s me that is putting the distance between us.
I struggle with the quote, “By praising God in all circumstances, things will begin to turn in your favor.” Huh? So if I praise God all the time, He’ll give me what I want? Is that how He works? What about the story of the giraffe mama kicking her new baby when he was down “to teach him how to get up”. Someone compared God to that. Is that how He works? I think His ways are so far beyond anything I can understand.
What I do know for sure is that He is the only one who can turn my mourning into dancing.
Some things off the Jesus track;
These past couple nights I have woken up with the feeling that someone else is in the room, not in a creepy ghost like way, but in a “the brain doesn’t realize yet” way. I woke up once and thought someone was breathing next to me, and in my weird dream like state (I sleep walk all the time and would be a great sleep study participant) it’s hard to shake my brain awake. I was watching Jon and Kate last night and saw a girl on it that I know (Go Rec Therapy!) and I almost turned to the spot where HeeJ watched TV and said “hey, I know her”.
My neighbors have been mowing my lawn on a consistent basis and been very anonymous about it. SO kind. Well, stupid Home Owners Association wrote me up for having weeds and grass that was above 2 inches! I think I will write them a strongly worded letter or give them dirty looks.