Jun 152009

I think there was a lesson to be learned in the search for the passport.

My passport was in the place I knew it was the whole time. I knew it was there, and it was always there. It didn’t move. I moved. I went away from it looking for it somewhere else. It was right there the whole time, waiting for me to see it.

God is in the place I know He is always. I know He’s there, and He is always there. He didn’t move. I moved. I went away from Him looking for Him somewhere else. He was right there the whole time, waiting for me to see Him.

read this today and thought it rang true;
” I must learn to; open bottles, move the furniture, open the stuck windows, go home alone, investigate the noise in the night, eat alone, make decisions alone, handle money alone, go on trips alone, fight with service companies alone, be sick alone, sleep alone, sing alone. ” _Sonia O’Sullivan

But ahh, I know I am not Alone, alone. It’s just in those moments of loneliness, that I forget He is right there.

 Posted by at 9:10 pm
Jun 142009

Ahhh!! I can’t find my passport. Last time I saw it was on our trip to Alaska last year. In my absolute demolishing of my house looking for it, I found HeeJun’s deodorant. The suitcase I found it in smelled like him. great. curse.

I also realized that I can’t find the ring that my mother in law gave me when I was pregnant and I can’t find the piece of paper where I wrote down exactly what happened that day before HeeJun’s accident. I thought they were all in specific spots, but while looking for my passport, I realized they weren’t were I thought they were.

So, I started praying, “Lord, please let me find my passport if it is in Your will”. Then, I thought “well, hold up, why would it be in Your will for me to find my measly little passport, when it wasn’t even in Your will for me to grow old with my husband. Why would You care?” Then, I thought maybe He doesn’t want me to go to Canada. Maybe a nuclear warhead is going to hit Canada and He wants me to stay…then, my dad called and had me go through every file folder (all 99 of them) with him on the phone and I JUST FOUND IT!!! Yay!!!!

 Posted by at 9:04 pm