I made it through the weekend, stayed busy, kept moving, embraced the day, tried to be present in my emotions. I even thought maybe something was wrong with me since I wasn’t shedding one tear.
Then Monday happened. whoa. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t be…I just needed HeeJun to be there. I wanted to talk to him. I needed to have him near. I wanted my old life back. Yep, I was not in a good place.
I had to leave work for a while and just go sit at a cemetary nearby to cry it out. Haven’t cried like that during the day in a while.
I went to this place…
because I couldn’t be at this place…
I went to a grief group today- a little different than the therapuetic grief group I’ve been attending. It was more about learning and finding new ways to think. Super deep! I haven’t thought like that since…college, maybe. Discussions about object and subject permanence. Whoa!
We were asked to think of metaphors for our life; I picked a drowning victim, swimming in calm water than suddenly drowning, fighting for air, fighting for life, fearful, hopeful that someone will come…then I changed it to someone swimming with a life boat or life jacket and the jacket is taken away. Not so scary, since I’m a lifeguard, right? I can do this. I can fight. It’s still scary to have what you thought was there, taken away. It’s still sad, but I can swim. Then I thought, how could I fit God in there? Is He a larger life raft near by, or is He actually the ocean that I am swimming in, just throwing some waves at me once in a while? Maybe the ocean I am in is actually a kiddie pool? ahh, deep thoughts by erica…