Jul 202009

I made it through the weekend, stayed busy, kept moving, embraced the day, tried to be present in my emotions. I even thought maybe something was wrong with me since I wasn’t shedding one tear.
Then Monday happened. whoa. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t be…I just needed HeeJun to be there. I wanted to talk to him. I needed to have him near. I wanted my old life back. Yep, I was not in a good place.
I had to leave work for a while and just go sit at a cemetary nearby to cry it out. Haven’t cried like that during the day in a while.
I went to this place…

because I couldn’t be at this place…

I went to a grief group today- a little different than the therapuetic grief group I’ve been attending. It was more about learning and finding new ways to think. Super deep! I haven’t thought like that since…college, maybe. Discussions about object and subject permanence. Whoa!
We were asked to think of metaphors for our life; I picked a drowning victim, swimming in calm water than suddenly drowning, fighting for air, fighting for life, fearful, hopeful that someone will come…then I changed it to someone swimming with a life boat or life jacket and the jacket is taken away. Not so scary, since I’m a lifeguard, right? I can do this. I can fight. It’s still scary to have what you thought was there, taken away. It’s still sad, but I can swim. Then I thought, how could I fit God in there? Is He a larger life raft near by, or is He actually the ocean that I am swimming in, just throwing some waves at me once in a while? Maybe the ocean I am in is actually a kiddie pool? ahh, deep thoughts by erica…
 Posted by at 10:23 pm
Jul 182009
July 18th. You should have been 31. We should have gone to visit you family and your sister should have made you a cake… Or maybe they would have come here. Your mom would have made Kalbi and PiBiPop. You would have grilled out and been proud of your master grilling skills. They would have bought you shirts and you would return them the next day. Maybe we would have had a baby by now. Maybe that would have been your gift. If you were here and I know what I know now, it would all be different.

Last year his parents came to visit us. i tried to plan a big party since he was 30, but it fell through. He didn’t care. He just wanted to spend it with his family. He said Alaska was his big present. He got a lot of presents for our Alaska trip . His sister bought a cheesecake and made a cake. If only I had known in 23 days, everything would change. If I knew…I would hold on and not let go. I would enjoy every moment.
This year, I knew I needed to get out of town. If not, I would have done the “what if, and the why, why, why’s”. I knew I wasn’t strong enough for that. Doug and Angela were kind enough to take me hiking up to Linville Falls and around some beautiful trails on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We also visited the crash site. I know it was hard for Doug to be there. I am so grateful for them and their willingness to hike with me on a day that I was most zombied out. I honestly didn’t process the ride there and can’t remember now which park we visited. I was just there for the ride. I did make it a point to enjoy the beauty around me and to enjoy spending time with good people. Being outside and enjoying the day was the best thing I could do. I think HeeJun would have liked that i was doing that. Although, he would have hated the hiking and the bugs (He would have said Asians don’t hike.) I was so tired afterwards that i just zonked out and had no time to cry.

Juneau’s pack for the day!

So I thought I would cry today, but still the tears are won’t come. What is wrong with me? Even at church today- (ps. I went to a church where the preacher had a fo-hawk and blonde tips. how cool is that?!)- no tears. which most likely means they will come at the weirdest time.

Well, Happy Birthday to my HeeJun. I wonder if someone had told you at your birthday last year that you only had 23 more days on Earth, would you have seen it as a gift to be with your Savior in 23 days?

As Beth said, “you are where you would most like to celebrate your birthday”.

 Posted by at 8:14 pm