When I first went back to work most of the kids knew what had happened and why I was out for a while. Some were kind and compassionate (shocker if you know the kinds of kids I work with), some were scared that it would happen to them, and some said the cutest things; “did you find your husband, i heard you lost him? Do you need help finding your husband?”
The kids still “spread the rumor” to new students and every once in a while I get a child trying to ask me in a round-about way what happened. Last week and today the kids have been in rare form. They are probably hearing their staff talk about me or share that the year anniversary is this month. I have had 5 kids ask me “where’s your husband, are you married, or is that a wedding ring?” Usually when one asks, i will say my husband is in Heaven. If they are younger I say that it is not something they need to worry about. If they are older they usually ask what happened and I use discernment if they can handle it or not. Usually there is a “know-it-all” kid around that will kindly jump in and tell them everything they know. It actually cracks me up to watch them try to figure out how to ask me and try to figure out what this means. My kids are hilarious. Fricking hilarious.
I am slowly figuring out that there are some things one just shouldn’t say around people who “don’t get it”. I can freak people out pretty quickly.
Example 1; I printed out these Widow Cards and I pull them out whenever I am late or messy or acting weird. It freaks some people out.
Example 2; There is a video floating around You Tube of a wedding party dancing down the aisle. I told a couple people that if I ever do that again, i would dance down the aisle to “I wanna make love right now, now, yeah“. Yep, kinda makes people uncomfortable.
But it makes me laugh and that’s all that matters.