
Jun 102010

I remember a few weeks before HeeJ and I went to Alaska I posted a status update on Facebook that said I was “broken”. I was referring to my inability to get pregnant and that I felt broken. Oh, I was so naive. I scoff at that little girl now. I had no idea what broken really meant. What it feels like to really be broken. silly little girl.

I stare at the pictures of me and HeeJun in high school and college and it’s like looking at a stranger. More like a girl I heard about in stories, fairy tales. I can’t relate to her. I can’t recall her feelings. Sometimes I stare at her more than I stare at HeeJun. Who was that girl? So hopeful. With so many dreams.
I look at the girl in the pictures of my wedding. Pictures on vacations. Pictures to Alaska. Who is the girl? I don’t recognize her.

The irony is I look at pictures of me now, and I don’t recognize myself. When did I get short, dark hair? Where did that weight come from? Where did that pain behind the eyes come from? Where did that smile come from?

I wonder when the day will come that I look at a picture and say, “oh, there I am!”
 Posted by at 10:24 pm
Jun 062010

Something has been weighing on my heart lately.

In college I was in a bubble. The Christian bubble. Even while married, HeeJ and I were in this bubble.

Now I’m outside that bubble a bit. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I love me some JESUS! What I mean is, I have been “adopted” by some awesome friends who aren’t in this bubble. What I find very sad and discouraging is that neither side really knows about the other side. They are shocked and appalled when they hear about things going on inside or outside the bubble. Get married at 23? Save yourself for marriage? Getting drunk? Living with a boyfriend? Gay? Hands in the air worshipping? Kids? beer pong? stay at home mom? Homeschool? Prayer? Single? Divorced? it freaks both sides out. Which one freaked you out?

I understand that Christians are not of the world. However, it saddens me and worries me that the divide between my friends is so great.

 Posted by at 6:08 pm