I have been struggling to post lately for several reasons. One is that I don’t want to gloss over the pain that still exists by writing about all the wonderful things happening in my life. I also don’t want to sound trite about the happy things. I don’t want my words to sound like “oh, just get a husband and everything will be ok”. I also know that Chad and my family read this and I don’t want them to worry when I am sad. It’s a balance.
Then I realized I was thinking too much about myself. Getting to this place had nothing to do with me or, even Chad. It was all God. I hope you can read my story and recognize His presence.
God was there when I was in college and realized I wanted the relationship with Christ that HeeJun showed me. God called HeeJun to Him, which brought me peace to remember that when he passed.
God was there that day in August 2008 when I couldn’t breathe and couldn’t stop shaking. He was there to comfort me. He gifted me with family and friends who would show me His love and strength. He held me up during the funeral. He was there when I was shouting and so angry at Him, when my faith was shaken. He never left me.
He blessed me with a job that would allow me to slowly get my “mojo” back. He orchestrated Brittany moving in with me. He brought Chad into my life. He gave me peace during these changes.
He continues to give me strength and peace. He brought me through this and continues to rebuild me. He promises to always be there for me. He did not say that there will not be bad things that happen. Haven’t we seen that terrible, horrific, beyond comprehension things are going to happen? He did promise to be there when these things happen. ” And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”- Matthew 28
Oct 172011
beautiful post friend. He is truly the author of our lives… every single step of our journeys. His presence and faithfulness is SO evident in yours. I praise Him with you and pray for you for the good stuff and the hard stuff. love you friend!