Nov 082009
I tried to do something new or fun every night this week- went outside my comfort zone. The poor pups didn’t get a walk at all this week, since I rolled into the house late every night.
Monday- Small group with singles
Tuesday- Charlotte One (loved it, but hated being alone, )
Wednesday- Zumba
Thursday-Coffee with an encouraging friend
Friday- Bobcats Basketball Game

Saturday- Widows Wear Stillettos Picnic in the Park
I love doing these things, but I hate them at the the same time. I hate that I have to be in a singles Bible Study now., but I love the people in it. I hate that I get to go to Charlotte One, but I love being there. I wish HeeJun was there to join me on the coffee dates (although, he would have never gone), I wish HeeJun was there at the Bobcats game. I wish HeeJ had enjoyed the picnic or met the incredible ladies in the group. But these things have come into my life, because he is not there. So, it’s a vicious cycle, right?
I'm proud of you.
What did you think of Zumba? Pretty fun huh?
I love Zumba! I echo Andrea- I am so proud of you!